Fitness people are doers. After long hours of sitting in comfortable office chairs, they still find time to exercise. Now, that’s determination. It requires stamina and endurance to perform both beginner and intermediate exercises well. It also requires a balanced body and good posture. Good posture is important when building a capable body as this brings up your game and improve your daily life interactions. Over time, with lack of discipline, our bodies develop muscle imbalances and chronic pain which we can’t afford to experience. This can be detrimental to our overall health and will be in the way on our journey to fitness and health goals. Here are the factors we should look out to attain good posture: Nutrition Affects Posture Nutrition plays an important role in maintaining good posture. First, the nutrients that we absorb contributes to our posture e.g. Lack of calcium may be harmful to gym goers as this gradually increases risk for osteoporosis, scoliosis and o...