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The Posture of Womanhood

Before you become a bona fide wife and mother, you are first an askhole. Okay, that doesn’t sound quite nice but holler to all the ladies out there who used to ask a lot of help and pieces of advice about relationships, pregnancies and parenthood but don’t actually listen and end up doing the opposite anyway. Did that strike something sensitive somewhere, A.K.A. guilt, A.K.A. “ugh”?

Worry not, though, because being an askhole specially if you’re a woman who is going to take on another role i.e. wifery or “mommary” is normal. You see, the greatest teacher is not anybody else’s experience – it’s your own. So, try at your own risk and learn from it.

But what we’ll be discussing in this article is not something new to you.You have been reminded about this ever since you learned how to sit and walk. No, it’s not saying “thank you” after every “please”. It’s about maintaining a good posture. Ah yes, eye rolls as expected. Again, this is about posture and how it can be of great impact to becoming a responsible member of womanhood and beyond.

Womanhood and beyond will give you a bad posture. Guaranteed. How and why?

Life Happened A.K.A. Work

Whether you work at home or in the office, earning a living will always cost you your health if you are not being careful enough. Most jobs nowadays, either involve too much sitting or too much of everything. So, regardless of your job label, your health should always come first before your boss. Or else, the ramifications of being too much of a good employee will catch up at what cost? A bad spine and a disappointed boss.

Be practically smart by investing on a posture perfect chair that will not only give you a good working form, making you the snappiest looking employee but also help you increase your productivity. A good back support lessens the likelihood of you being too stressed (to even care).

The New Household Order

Gardening, washing dishes, doing the laundry and on and on and on. Name it. Every household has it. And every husband hates it. So the wife does it. Okay, most of the time (if not all the time). Inasmuch as doing chores should be naturally loved by the female populace (because of Snow White), the tasks are simply taxing especially on the back. Unless you have someone to help you with the errands, which means another expenditure, then that would mean a lot to you (and to your pocket).

However, the chores may seem too many to do in one day but there’s nothing a slow-but-sure strategy cannot solve. Schedule your tasks and make sure to relax in between. Take that pilates exercise chair and do the zen with it. You’ll be surprised of how energized you are after the session and you still have the zest to become a full-pledged wife when your husband comes home. If you know what that means. Wink.

The Superwoman Syndrome

Well, this is mainly because of the second point or still because of Snow White (this time the K-Stew version). Or, maybe because we’ve seen it from our mothers. How they sacrificed too much of themselves to give us better lives (and only to disappoint them later on). We want to show that we are capable of the same, so we took it upon ourselves to do everything for the family to live and not just survive.

Wow, that was deep. But really, it’s innate to every woman to prove that she can take on any responsibility – whether as a wife or as mother. Each role is a separate burden on your back- literally and figuratively. Yet, these can be managed if you have the mind and the body to do the job. Now, the mind is relative and almost dependent on how you take care of the body especially your posture.

If you can take good care of your spine as much as you keep your skin smooth and glowy, then you’re keeping up the womanhood just right. But if you’re just too concerned of the latter, then it’s time that you buy office chair that will keep the alignment of your spine for you (you, lazy you..).

Being a woman is not a walk in the park but it’s an amazing role. So, to all the women out there who have been keeping it going and going strong, all hands and hearts’ salute!


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