Osteoporosis or “porous bones” is the thinning of your bone structure that makes you more prone to bone deformities. Your bones are so brittle that even a mild fall or coughing can cause a fracturein your hip, wrist, and spine.And this condition affects men and women, especially in their 40s or 50s.
But there are medical reports that show significant occurrence among the younger age group. Osteoporosis is not age-related. Contrary to the popular belief that only aged people suffer from it, it can also be caused by other factors as well, such as hormonal changes or vitamin D or Calcium deficiency.
Needless to say, to be diagnosed with osteoporosis is difficult, since your daily activities would have to be modified to non-strenuous ones. It doesn’t necessarily mean, though, that you cannot do any exercise. In fact, there are sets of exercises that can strengthen your bones.
Stay Active the Safe Way
1. Resistance Exercise
Examples of this type of exercise areyoga and Pilates. It improves the flexibility of your muscles and enhances your strength and balance which are essential for persons with osteoporosis to avoid accidental falls or bumps.
Resistance exercises are known to strengthen your muscles. A well-formed and toned muscles provide cushion to your bones. So in case you are accidentally bumped against a hard surface, your muscles will absorb the impact and your bones will not be that affected.
Other known resistance exercises involve using elastic bands, moderate weight lifting and functional exercises for your back and legs.
If you are at home, you can do these exercises even while sitting on your posture support chair. But you have to make sure that you have someone to watch over you in case you need immediate assistance.
2. Weight bearing exercise
From the term weight bearing, it can be understood that the principle of this exercise is to use your middle and lower extremities to carry the weight of your body.
It may sound worrisome since your goal is to avoid straining your bones with pressure. And weight is pressure. But to correct that wrong notion, this exercise increases bone density.
This is one of your body’s coping mechanisms, when a part is utilized properly, it will develop or grow significantly to your benefit.
In fact, weight bearing exercises are more beneficial to your bones than non-weight exercises such as swimming and cycling. But if in case you cannot tolerate the pain from prolonged standing, you can also shift to mild functional movements from time to time while sitting on your posture perfect chair.
Other Helpful Means
But if you are experiencing the most severe type of osteoporosis, you will be required to undergo treatment regimen tailored to your specific needs.
And while you are under treatment, you can always look for other means to alleviate the pain, especially if the affected area is your back.
Ergonomic chairs for back pain are a big help, especially if your target is to also correct the alignment of your spine.
You have to remember, though, that all these medical and home managements will be of no use if you do not dedicate yourself to the program. Your bones provide a framework and support to your body. So it is important that you take good care and protect it from degenerating.
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