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The Effectof Having Bad Posture to Your Mind and Body

If you are unaware, or do not make an effort to keep a proper posture, it could lead to some serious physical problems. In fact, if you do not pay attention to the way you sit and stand, it could lead to a severe lower back problem.

You might not notice it, but bad posture is a precursor to a lot of physical and mental problems. Those who pay attention to their posture are able to keep themselves from experiencing pain related to back problems.

If you have a chair for back pain, that chair can help you relax while guiding your back to assume the proper position. That chair can handle your back pain issues as well as your posture.

A bad posture’s effect may not be noticeable at first, but because its effects start from the inside-out, you may have already developed issues that you didn’t know you’d get. It is important to know the negative effects bad posture can give both to your mind and body so you can help prevent ailments in the long run.

The Bad Posture Effect

•    It cuts off the circulation – Our bodies are machines, without proper use and maintenance, issues will prop up, sooner.

When you sit over long periods, you may have the tendency to slouch. You may not know this, but slouching keeps you from having the proper blood circulation throughout your body.

If you are also used to assuming a legs-crossed position while sitting, you are cutting blood flow to your lower extremities. This could lead to the development of spider veins on your legs.

If you spend long hours in front of a computer, you will need an adjustable and comfortable office chair to sit on, one that allows you to keep your feet flat on the floor and prop your back to a proper, but comfortable position. Proper blood circulation will allow oxygen to be distributed properly to every part of your body.

•    It increases the risk of disease – Blame it on having a sedentary lifestyle. Studies have suggested that by the age of 25, the life expectancy of most people is reduced by 21.8 minutes (the effect of slouching for extended periods)

Without the help of an office chair for back pain, you run the risk of developing one or more musculo-skeletal ailments. For individuals with cardiovascular issues or diabetes, complications may arise from incorrect posture.

•  It deepens depression – Slouching increases the amount of sadness or depression someone is experiencing. A study in SF State reported their test subjects who they asked to walk with a slouch  said that they experienced increased feelings of depression.

Since most of us are busy, maintain the right posture is often neglected. To help you keep the proper sitting position, and reduce the time you spend slouching, a chair for back pain is in order.

Help your mind and body. Work on that perfect posture.


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