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Backpain as a Hurdle to Productivity

Productivity is the end goal of every day for a company. When you work, the goal is always to produce more with the limited resources. As an employee, it’s your responsibility to do your part in helping the company advance its goals in the most efficient way possible. 

However, as an employee, there are things that affect your work that you have very little control of. You can’t control your work environment or your colleagues. Also, because of the sedentary lifestyle brought about by work, you have very little control of your health. 

As employees, we don’t get to control when we’ll catch a flu or a cold. What’s worse is that we tend to be too busy to exercise to counter the bad effects of the sedentary lifestyle. As a result, a lot of us suffer from different kinds of body pain, most common of which is back pain. 

Working With Back Pain

It may be the disturbing pain you feel between your shoulders or down your spine—the pain can be wherever in your back, but at the end of the day, it’s still back pain. It’s disturbing, persistent, and unpredictable. It can be caused by many things such as bad posture or the bad architecture of your not-so adjustable office chair and it can get in your way of being productive. 

Ditching back pain is more difficult than acquiring it. To get rid of it, you will have to be more mindful of your actions, improve your posture and dare to be more active.

Stop Lifting Weights

The pain you feel in your back is an indication that there’s something going on that needs your attention. Consult your doctor to get a better understanding of why you’re experiencing back pain. But more importantly, you need to stop lifting heavy things in order to keep the existing issue on your back from getting worse.

Sit Better

The key to a healthy spine is to sit better. Keep an eye on the small things. Make sure that your computer screen is in your eye-level so you don’t have to crane your neck when looking at your computer. If your screen is too low, add a few books under your monitor for an instant lift.
Aside from that, you also need to make sure that your elbows are properly aligned with your keyboard. This will keep proper blood circulation even as you type your way throughout the day.

Try a Different Chair

Is your chair properly supporting your back? If not, is there a way for you to find an ergonomic chair for back pain or chair for posture support? Doing so will ensure that your spine gets the right support even if you work for long hours. 

It’s easy to forget about other things when you’re at work. Especially when you’re very focused on doing more or busy in finishing one task after the other, your health often gets pushed on the back burner. While you’re busy doing your job well, don’t forget that you need TLC too. To survive the office life, you need to keep your mind open, your performance efficient, and your back healthy.


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