Do you experience pain in your back, neck and shoulders when you sit for hours in front of a computer? You’re not alone. Worldwide, millions of adults are experiencing chronic back, neck and shoulder pains from their work. This is mostly due to a sedentary lifestyle and bad posture. The muscles of your lower back and hips are strained while your core muscles weaken due to inactivity. One way to reduce or eliminate back pain is to be more physically active. But we all know how hard it is to do that at work, especially when you’re sharing an office with people who are probably experiencing the same thing. And how does posture contribute to pain? Once you’re used to having bad posture when you’re sitting, this will carry over to your other activities like standing, walking and running. So even with physical activity, the pain won’t go away because your spine isn’t in the right position to support your body weight. The pain is aggravated. Once you engage in strenuous physica...
Most businesses are willing to invest in ergonomic chairs to ensure that everyone working there would be comfortable, healthy and productive. But what most people don’t realize is that just because a chair is ergonomic doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the chair you should be using if you have back pain. Ergonomic chairs are designed mainly for back support. But the most common cause of back pain in working adults today isn’t the lack of back support; it’s improper posture. When good posture is maintained, the core muscles strengthen which helps reduce the incidence of back pain. When you have bad posture, your core muscles weaken and your center of balance shifts. This puts unnecessary strain on muscles that were not designed to support the weight of your head and torso. And to make matters worse is that the resulting pain often spreads to the shoulders, neck and head. So if you want to get an office chair for back pain, it’s not enough that it would provide back support. It ne...