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The Secrets to Good Posture at Work: Pilates and Office Chair

Back pain is a classic epidemic in the workplace. More than half of office employees worldwide suffer from at least one kind of back pain. It's also reported as one of the major root causes of the decrease of productivity in the workplace. No matter what kind of “comfortable office chair” is used, majority of office employees still end up with such pain. 

Aside from the bad design of office chairs, the static nature of sitting in the office is also pointed to as one of the major reasons why employees get back pain. Among the back pain solutions that claim to fight back pain, exercise continues to be one of the most effective ways to relieve the aggravating discomfort.

Pilates for Back Pain

When you’re stuck for long hours in a static position, the easiest solution to the problem of back pain is to move around. Experts recommend for back pain sufferers to try exercises that promote flexibility and strength of the muscles. 

Aside from Yoga, Pilates is one of the experts’ top-picks for the exercise that sufferers should try. Pilates bears a lot of similarities to Yoga, but is a tad more challenging than the latter. As stated by Better Health, Pilates is both an aerobic and non-aerobic exercise that requires concentration and focus. 

Pilates is consists of unstable poses and promotes flexibility and strength by moving the limbs. It also encourages proper blood flow, flexibility, muscle strength, and even weight loss. It’s also perfect for the stabilization of the spine, balance, body coordination, better concentration, and better posture.

Due to its non-straining nature, Pilates is one of the most recommended exercises for people with low fitness level or those suffering from injuries. For those who want more ease in their Pilates routine, Pilates exercise chairs are also recommended. 

Pilates or Office Chairs or Both


If you’re a back pain sufferer, then Pilates is your friend. Apart from buying an office chair that can help support your back for long hours, it’s also important to be active and let your body move when given the chance.

Since Pilates doesn't require a specific apparatus to be performed in, anybody can squeeze in a short Pilates time in their schedule whenever and wherever. Pilates, on its own, can be a very powerful tool to ease back pain. When paired with a posture correcting chair, it can do a lot of wonders to a person’s posture.

Having a posture correcting chair aids the back even as you work long hours. Posture correcting chairs are designed to provide support to the spine, hips, and shoulders. It ensures that while you stay in one position at work, your back and spine are both properly supported. 

Whether we admit it or not, keeping an active routine is difficult especially if your work involves sitting in front of a computer for long hours. Having a posture correcting chair and committing to a Pilates or Yoga routine can help eradicate or at least significantly lessen the negative effects of the sedentary office life. 

Now that you’ve learned the secrets to a good posture, when will you start doing your first Pilates routine and change your office chair?


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