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Showing posts from 2017

The Value of Getting Ergonomic Chairs for Back Pain

Do you experience pain in your back, neck and shoulders when you sit for hours in front of a computer? You’re not alone. Worldwide, millions of adults are experiencing chronic back, neck and shoulder pains from their work. This is mostly due to a sedentary lifestyle and bad posture. The muscles of your lower back and hips are strained while your core muscles weaken due to inactivity. One way to reduce or eliminate back pain is to be more physically active. But we all know how hard it is to do that at work, especially when you’re sharing an office with people who are probably experiencing the same thing. And how does posture contribute to pain? Once you’re used to having bad posture when you’re sitting, this will carry over to your other activities like standing, walking and running. So even with physical activity, the pain won’t go away because your spine isn’t in the right position to support your body weight. The pain is aggravated. Once you engage in strenuous physica...

Why Office Chairs for Posture is the Best Type of Chair for Back Pain

Most businesses are willing to invest in ergonomic chairs to ensure that everyone working there would be comfortable, healthy and productive. But what most people don’t realize is that just because a chair is ergonomic doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the chair you should be using if you have back pain. Ergonomic chairs are designed mainly for back support. But the most common cause of back pain in working adults today isn’t the lack of back support; it’s improper posture. When good posture is maintained, the core muscles strengthen which helps reduce the incidence of back pain. When you have bad posture, your core muscles weaken and your center of balance shifts. This puts unnecessary strain on muscles that were not designed to support the weight of your head and torso. And to make matters worse is that the resulting pain often spreads to the shoulders, neck and head. So if you want to get an office chair for back pain, it’s not enough that it would provide back support. It ne...

Eating Right for Your Back

Okay, so you have gifted yourself an office chair for back pain or perhaps the office you work for is equipped with office chairs for posture for every desk employee, so that covers your back pain right? No. You will still need to do something about it. You cannot fully rely on a piece of furniture to correct what has been molded years in the working. It is not enough to just sit down on your office posture chair and think the pain will go away and your posture will correct itself. That chair is there to support and guide you, just like a best friend for your back. You will need to do your own work to achieve a healthier you that will benefit you and your back. Aside from sitting properly, you will need to make sure you go through a consistent regimen of stretches and strengthening exercises that can help you fix your body alignment. You will need to also include in your daily routine the right kind of food to help you manage the pain and help you build the strength to keep the rig...

Backpain as a Hurdle to Productivity

Productivity is the end goal of every day for a company. When you work, the goal is always to produce more with the limited resources. As an employee, it’s your responsibility to do your part in helping the company advance its goals in the most efficient way possible.  However, as an employee, there are things that affect your work that you have very little control of. You can’t control your work environment or your colleagues. Also, because of the sedentary lifestyle brought about by work, you have very little control of your health.  As employees, we don’t get to control when we’ll catch a flu or a cold. What’s worse is that we tend to be too busy to exercise to counter the bad effects of the sedentary lifestyle. As a result, a lot of us suffer from different kinds of body pain, most common of which is back pain.  Working With Back Pain It may be the disturbing pain you feel between your shoulders or down your spine—the pain can be wherever in y...

The Science of Posture in Fitness

Fitness people are doers. After long hours of sitting in comfortable office chairs, they still find time to exercise. Now, that’s determination. It requires stamina and endurance to perform both beginner and intermediate exercises well.  It also requires a balanced body and good posture. Good posture is important when building a capable body as this brings up your game and improve your daily life interactions. Over time, with lack of discipline, our bodies develop muscle imbalances and chronic pain which we can’t afford to experience. This can be detrimental to our overall health and will be in the way on our journey to fitness and health goals. Here are the factors we should look out to attain good posture: Nutrition Affects Posture Nutrition plays an important role in maintaining good posture. First, the nutrients that we absorb contributes to our posture e.g. Lack of calcium may be harmful to gym goers as this gradually increases risk for osteoporosis, scoliosis and o...

The Posture of Womanhood

Before you become a bona fide wife and mother, you are first an askhole. Okay, that doesn’t sound quite nice but holler to all the ladies out there who used to ask a lot of help and pieces of advice about relationships, pregnancies and parenthood but don’t actually listen and end up doing the opposite anyway. Did that strike something sensitive somewhere, A.K.A. guilt, A.K.A. “ugh”? Worry not, though, because being an askhole specially if you’re a woman who is going to take on another role i.e. wifery or “mommary” is normal. You see, the greatest teacher is not anybody else’s experience – it’s your own. So, try at your own risk and learn from it. But what we’ll be discussing in this article is not something new to you.You have been reminded about this ever since you learned how to sit and walk. No, it’s not saying “thank you” after every “please”. It’s about maintaining a good posture. Ah yes, eye rolls as expected. Again, this is about posture and how it can be of great impact ...

Here’s Why Slouching Is Bad for Your Career

Don’t slouch. Sit up straight! Your friends, your high school teacher, and your mom has said it over and over again. But who cares if you slump in your comfortable office chair, right? You’re tired, and you have to worry about typing reports and preparing for meetings. With the load of work you have in your professional life, who cares about posture?   Apparently, your bosses, clients, and colleagues might. Turns out, how you sit and stand communicates something to other people. A thought-provoking TED talk by Amy Cuddy stresses the importance of body language in the business world, saying that it reflects power. Wits aren’t enough. Posture matters in becoming a leader. How Leaders Sit and Stand People who feel powerful usually take an open stance. They sit straight with their chest out, or lean forward to the person they’re talking to occupy a larger space. Their legs are also open, facing outside. People who feel powerless, on the other hand, close themselves u...

Life After Sports with Executive Office Chairs

Athletes, when they retire, are always confronted with the question: “What’s life after sports?” Most of them couldn’t give a specific answer. They would respond instead with canned answers, like taking some time out for a while after spending more than a decade of intense competition. Lucky for those who have made a name for themselves that they are able to continue their sporting ways, either as a coach of a team or a play-by-play commentator on the sidelines or on TV. But for those countless athletes who have retired and suddenly have an abrupt change of schedule and activity, getting through the day can be a bit laborious. And since these changes of lifestyles can get through their nerves on a daily basis, most of them are feeling estranged and awkward. They begin to develop some ailments that they haven’t encountered when they are at the height of their careers. So it makes sense that they should have an equipment that they could use to counter this abrupt change o...

What You Need to Do After Having these Office Chairs for Your Back

If you’re privileged enough to have a comfortable chair in your office, no doubt, you’ll enjoy your time at work right from the get-go. You’ll be able to work with ease, especially with having a cozy, adjustable and back-friendly chair. But for those who don’t have the luxury of having these chairs for posture support, the possibility of damaging your back is quite high, since you are more susceptible to committing bad posture than those who have the right chairs with them. So it pays to have these chairs around. There’s less danger of developing any complications brought about by using the wrong type of equipment or chairs for that matter. Before you purchase these chairs, though, it is important to know some tips on how you can maintain that good posture, and do away with any discomfort, such as in the case of a lower back pain. As soon as you have these office chairs for your back , these are some things that you need to do: •    You need to make sure that your ...

The Effectof Having Bad Posture to Your Mind and Body

If you are unaware, or do not make an effort to keep a proper posture, it could lead to some serious physical problems. In fact, if you do not pay attention to the way you sit and stand, it could lead to a severe lower back problem. You might not notice it, but bad posture is a precursor to a lot of physical and mental problems. Those who pay attention to their posture are able to keep themselves from experiencing pain related to back problems. If you have a chair for back pain, that chair can help you relax while guiding your back to assume the proper position. That chair can handle your back pain issues as well as your posture. A bad posture’s effect may not be noticeable at first, but because its effects start from the inside-out, you may have already developed issues that you didn’t know you’d get. It is important to know the negative effects bad posture can give both to your mind and body so you can help prevent ailments in the long run. The Bad Posture Effect • ...

The Secrets to Good Posture at Work: Pilates and Office Chair

Back pain is a classic epidemic in the workplace. More than half of office employees worldwide suffer from at least one kind of back pain. It's also reported as one of the major root causes of the decrease of productivity in the workplace. No matter what kind of “comfortable office chair” is used, majority of office employees still end up with such pain.  Aside from the bad design of office chairs, the static nature of sitting in the office is also pointed to as one of the major reasons why employees get back pain. Among the back pain solutions that claim to fight back pain, exercise continues to be one of the most effective ways to relieve the aggravating discomfort. Pilates for Back Pain When you’re stuck for long hours in a static position, the easiest solution to the problem of back pain is to move around. Experts recommend for back pain sufferers to try exercises that promote flexibility and strength of the muscles.  Aside from Yoga, Pilates is one of the e...

Office Postures You Need to Follow to Prevent Back Pains

Those who are working white collar jobs like in an office can easily relate to this problem. Sitting too long in that comfortable office chair might be the most relaxing thing there is, especially in a cool environment. But the downside of it is that it nurtures a silent killer from within. And that silent killer stems from your posture, no less. Without you knowing it, lounging in your office chair for at least 7 hours can be detrimental to your health, particularly with your lower back. Prolonged sitting could aggravate the nerves in that area, thereby slowing down the circulation of your blood and saps your energy in the process. So it is best that you constantly monitor your posture. Sometimes it only takes some form of discipline to be able to stay away from any back pains. But let us determine some of the postures that you need to do and maintain in the workplace, and in turn, keep that lower back of yours in good stead.       Start uncro...